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send off例句
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I thought his mother had died, but fortunately I met someone who'd actually seen her that morning in the hospital and he set me right before I sent off my letter of sympathy.


Please see that these parcels are sent off at once.


All the people in the buildings came to give me a rousing send-off.


Two telegrams for Li Kuei to send off at once.


We send off for the new catalogue.


He was given a good send - off .

他受到了热烈的 欢送.

' We must give her a nice little send - off,'said the manager. ' I'll look after the flowers. '

“ 我们要给她来个小小的表示, " 经理说, " 我来准备鲜花.

How can you send off someone caught red - handed?


We send off for a brochure about holidays in Greece or about ferry service.


We were given a great send - off at the airport.

我们在机场受到热烈的 欢送.

He was given a good send off when he left for America.


We gave them a warm send - off at the airport.

我们在机场热烈 欢送 了他们.

He was given a big send - off at the station.

— 一大群人到车站给他送行.

Before I left they prepared a send - off party for me.


Dance when you go to give her the send - off this night.

当你今天夜里 欢送 她的时候,舞动.

She was given a good send - off at the airport.

她在飞机场受到了热情的 欢送.

We give a warm send - off to you!

我们热烈 欢送 你!

"send off"的基本信息





